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Abbot Elias R. Lorenzo, president of the American-Cassinese Congregation, has always been an active member of his community. Prior to becoming president of the American-Cassinese Congregation, Abbot Elias spent over two decades teaching and overseeing St. Mary’s Abbey and Delbarton college both located in Morristown, New Jersey. He volunteered for Operation Smile, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free reconstructive surgeries to people suffering from cleft lip all over the world. He was a member of the Paterson Diocesan Liturgical Commission and served as chairman from 1991 to 2000. He is also a member of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM).

The CMSM, founded in 1956, is the national organization representing male leaders of religious institutes, monastic communities, and societies. The organization promotes the welfare of priests, brothers, and candidates in the United States while also addressing the life and concerns of the members of the institutes and societies in the U.S. The CMSM represents the common voice for these members and acts as their primary resource outlet.

On February 25th, the CMSM will be hosting its annual workshop at the new CMSM National Office in Greenbelt, Maryland, designed for major superiors and councilors who have been in office for two years or less. The workshop will allow these individuals to learn from experts about leadership, Canon and civil law, self-care, working with dioceses and more.